Infrastructure programme
Title: Numerical and experimental analysis of flow in water turbines (
Period: January 2015–December 2020
Head of programme: Aljaž Škerlavaj
Aim: The infrastructure programme supports to maintain the infrastructure, which serves as a support to the research activities (performing the measurements or simulations, necessary for research programmes and research projects).
Maintenance of infrastructure:
- HPC cluster - LSC Adria
- Test rig for Francis turbines
- Test rig for Kaplan turbines
- Test rig for bulb turbines
- Test rig for Pelton turbines
Support for research programmes (in year 2018):
- Research in Power, Process, and Environmental Engineering (
Support for research projects (in year 2017):
- Accurate Simulations in Hydro-Machinery and Marine Propellers (;
Project's webpage: