Infrastructure programme

Title: Numerical and experimental analysis of flow in water turbines (

January 2015–December 2020

Head of programme:
Aljaž Škerlavaj

Aim: The infrastructure programme supports to maintain the infrastructure, which serves as a support to the research activities (performing the measurements or simulations, necessary for research programmes and research projects).

Maintenance of infrastructure:

  1. HPC cluster - LSC Adria
    Supercomputer IBM - LSC Adria
  2. Test rig for Francis turbines
    Francis model
  3. Test rig for Kaplan turbines
    Kaplan model
  4. Test rig for bulb turbines
    Bulb model
  5. Test rig for Pelton turbines
    Pelton model

Support for research programmes (in year 2018):

  1. Research in Power, Process, and Environmental Engineering (

Support for research projects (in year 2017):

  1. Accurate Simulations in Hydro-Machinery and Marine Propellers (;
    Project's webpage: